Ribee Suak Beach (West Aceh Regency - Aceh Darussalam)
Ribee Suak Beach is one of the coastal area there is a place of recreation that the city of Meulaboh, West Aceh district. Suak Beach Ribee much visited by various elements of society, both adults, teenagers and children alike. Beach inlet ribee usually crowded in the afternoon and on holidays. Prior to the tsunami disaster ribee Beach inlet is a very beautiful place of recreation and menarik.Disepanjang road on the outskirts of the coconut tree lined beaches and trees cemara.disana there are also many places to peristerahatan like cafes that lined the road. The scenery is very beautiful afternoon in addition to enjoying the breeze is gentle we also can see the sunset views at dusk sun.
Great Mosque of Meulaboh (West Aceh Regency - Aceh Darussalam)
Great Mosque Great Mosque architecture Meulaboh Meulaboh is very beautiful with the dominant light-colored dome that makes the mosque is very beautiful eyes.
The Great Mosque is a mosque pride of West Aceh Regency, exactly Jl.Imam Bonjol, City of Meulaboh.
Because of the location center of the town of Meulaboh, easily accessible by public transport or two-wheeled vehicles.
Many local and foreign tourists who visit this beautiful mosque came to worship or just to enjoy the beauty of the architecture of this mosque.
Beach Tourism Lhok Bubon (West Aceh Regency - Aceh Darussalam)
Beach Tourism Lhok Bubon in West Aceh regency located at Bubon village, Aceh Province. Distance to the beach Lhok Bubon about 8 km from the town of Meulaboh. Lhok Bubon Beach is renowned as a seafood-producing areas, and always crowded by the surrounding community who come to enjoy fresh seafood while enjoying the natural beaches. Besides being a tourist destination, it was a land of economic addition to the surrounding community.
Beautiful Pine Beach (West Aceh Regency - Aceh Darussalam)
Casuarina Beach Beautiful addition to beautiful white sand beaches, here are also available Recreational Park, which is one tourist attraction family recreation. Beautiful Pine Beach crowded in the visit not only from the people of Southwest Aceh district, but also from outside the area, especially on holidays and weekends. These tourist sites are under construction that will become a tourist attraction that continues to grow. Facilities are available today are food stalls, hall shelter, park bench, where kids games, sports fields and small mosque. In addition, clean water services, electricity, and telephone are also available at these tourist sites.Disclaimer Pusong Beach (West Aceh Regency - Aceh Darussalam)
Disclaimer Pusong beach is 3 km (two miles) from the City Blangpidie capital city of Southwest Aceh district, Coast Pusong Disclaimer dealing with the Indian Ocean is still very fresh and clean, the sand is clean and somewhat rough.
Pusong name used because of the Indian Ocean with a distance of 1 km from the shoreline tertadapat "Pusong" (Coral Island). Disclaimer kemukiman is the name of the region where the beach is located. Besides the name, this beach also known as Bali Beach. Bali beach name is not actually an official name, according to many local residents say because it does not defeat the beautiful beach with beautiful beach in Bali. There is also the opinion said, because when the first was opened as a tourist area, many foreign tourists who come to enjoy the beauty of the State with a game of beach surfing and sunbathing bikini ria using a deemed taboo by the local community, they do not want to Beach Pusong Disclaimer serve as a tourist area such as in Bali is very free and destructive to the local culture.
Beach Pusong Disclaimer
If you visit the beach this morning at 6:00 until 10:00 pm, you will have the opportunity to see traditional fishermen who are "Tarek Pukat" (capture of fish by trawl drawn from sea to land). An interesting spectacle to see two groups of fishermen who pull each end of the trawl to the mainland. Fishermen groups numbering 10 to 15 people this trawl attract pulling small voices shouting and chanting hymns are very beautiful.
Large waves are very challenging to play as smoothly. The blue sea water is very beautiful and makes the eyes stand for long view of the endless ocean that. Greatness of God the more powerful when we are in the evening enjoy the beautiful sunset.
Lanaga Beach (West Aceh Regency - Aceh Darussalam)
Object Lanaga Beach Tourism in West Aceh district, and located in Peunaga, Aceh Province. The distance is about 5 km from the town of Meulaboh (West Aceh district capital). On the beach tourist area Lanaga available water sports facilities such as Jet sky and also on this beach are often held boat race event with a unique and attractive design.Puteh Batee Beach (West Aceh Regency - Aceh Darussalam)
Puteh Batee beautiful beach is located in West Aceh district. Location Beach Batee Puteh about 3 km from the city of Meulaboh. The beach is very crowded Batee Puteh visited by people on vacation for a swim or just enjoy the beauty of the landscape. Is a suitable vacation spot for families, besides white and clean beaches add to the attraction of this tourist area.Heroes Cemetery Teuku Umar (West Aceh Regency - Aceh Darussalam)
Teuku Umar is one of the heroes of the persistent struggle for independence of the Indonesian Nation, Heroes Cemetery Teuku Umar Meugo Rayeuk located in the village, West Aceh District, Aceh Province. The distance is about 35 km from the town of Meulaboh, to get to the Tomb of Heroes Teuku Umar you can use a car, motorcycle, or public transportation. Besides tourism object Heroes Cemetery Teuku Umar Village Meugo Rayeuk is protected forest area. Teuku Umar tomb is visited by domestic tourism and foreign tourists as a historic place. Inside the tomb location Teuku Umar have large trees that emit water constantly. Water can be drunk by anyone. The terrain is very safe, comfortable and cool with fresh air and still very natural.Tourism Object-Gedong Genang (West Aceh Regency - Aceh Darussalam)
Object-Gedong Genang Tourism is one of the natural attractions located in the Village District Putim XVI Kaway West Aceh district. The form of this is Genang-Gedong lake surrounded by trees. Distance to the location of this Genang-Gedong ± 20 km from the town of Meulaboh to Banda Aceh Via Geumpang. This vast pool of water covering 3 villages or ± 7ha. Trees will make anyone who comes to feel relaxed with the fresh wind blowing softly Genang-Gedong. If you want to relax in a beautiful place, come to Genang-Gedong, or if your fishing hobby, Genang-Gedong is where fishing while relaxing with my beloved family to enjoy a soft drink and rebound Jazz or R & B. Around the site Genang-Gedong has stood a few fruit which is managed by a community cafĂ© Putim Village. In the vicinity of this location there are also racing motocross Grasstrack. No matter how beautiful the Genang-Gedong is not many people know, not many people who want to come there.
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