Maharani cave is very interesting because it is located near the beach approximately 500 m and located on the edge of the road-Gresik Tuban Paciran Lamongan precisely in the district of East Java. One of the natural wonders of the cave Maharani palace that holds the natural beauty is more specific and unique above the average of other tourist caves. Even according to Dr. prof. KRT.Khoo international experts from foundations speleologi perguaan Indonesia in Bogor assess the stalactite and stalagmite in the cave Maharani palace still live by the beauty of this cave can be equated with Altamira cave in Spain. Mamonth Cave and Carlsbad in the United States and Goa Coranche in France. The cave that holds a million beauty is in dikedalaman 25 m from the ground surface with an area of 2500 m2 cave cavity.
Maharani Palace Goa is more specific to save the natural beauty, beauty memiIiki above - average tourist cave in Indonesia. Even some experts pergoaan comment, journalists and tourists, judging this cave has parallels with the cave - a popular tourist cave in the Foreign country like Spain's Altamira Cave, Mammoth Cave and Carlsbad in 'the United States and Goa Coranche in France.
According to the study of DR. K.R.T. Khoo, international experts from the Foundation Speleologi pergoaan Indonesia in Bogor considered that the stalactites and stalagmites in the cave Maharani Palace is still "alive" and continue to grow. Growth reached approximately 1 cm per decade, for its continuity is maintained.
Stalactites and stalagmites that grow inside the cave can emit colored light when exposed to light. Realizing these advantages Lamongan Local Government to manage it as a tourist attraction in addition to Cape Frog belle and archaeological site, the Tomb of Sunan Drajat. Facilities built divided into three zones namely the general zone, transition zone and core zone, the location of the cave is 100 m east of the Cape of Frog.
Maharani Palace, the cave was named by the Regents Lamongan R. Mohamad Faried, SH according to the beauty of light and on the recommendation of an employee inventor of the cave on his wife's dream. Maharani Palace Goa is found by a 6-digging soil and fertilizer phosphate coral material that is Sugeng et dolomite - friends with the foreman Nyoto on August 6, 1992. The extent of approximately 2. 500 m2 with a depth of 25 m from the surface. The name was born from the dream his wife Maharani Nyoto. The night before the discovery of the cave, he dreamed of seeing the light flowers are very beautiful color - colors are in the guard by two giant dragon head crowned. Two dragon's tail is now visualized in the form of two dragon statue with two eagle guards the entrance to the cave called the Gate of Paksi Tatsoko.
Inside the cave there was indeed a stalactite - stalagmite resembling a throne of Maharaja, flora and fauna, .. a very beautiful glow - like a ray manikam quality diamond opal. Of water droplets that resemble coral limestone rocks since millions of years ago naturally sediment crystallized form of embodiment which is very admirable. It is a sign of greatness of God's wonders of the world.
Stalactites and stalagmites that have called Linga Pratala (resembling a vital tool male - male), Yoni Pratiwi (a vital tool of women), Cempaka Tirta (kanthil flower), Reefs King Lizard (like dinosaurs), Selo Elephant (resembling an elephant's head), interest Rose, Banyan trees and various other forms of very unique and beautiful.
According to the story of a dream after semedhi some residents, in the cave often looks like a beautiful princess Roro Ayu Mantili of royal fiction Madangkara diiring two ladies and courtier. But look at the structure and various forms of stalactites and stalagmites inside the cave is like a palace depicting Kiskendo.
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