Limbungan Lake (City of Pekanbaru - Riau)
Limbungan Lake, Dam water that was originally built for irrigation purposes is contained in an area surrounded by beautiful hills that have panoramic nature as a tourist attraction. Seeing this potential, the place was later developed as a tourist area which is equipped with various amenities and facilities for recreational purposes, such as various types of water bicycles, boats, restaurants, stage entertainment, playground, cottages and so forth. This recreational area is about 10 km from the center of Pekanbaru and can be reached by
public transportation. Not far from here there is also a location as the arena motocross race.
Masjid Raya Pekanbaru (Pekanbaru - Riau)
Pekanbaru Grand Mosque which was built in the 18th century is the oldest mosque in Pekanbaru, the Mosque which is located in District Senapelan has traditional architecture that is very interesting. The mosque is both a proof of the kingdom of Siak Sri Indrapura been enthroned in Pekanbaru, namely at the Sultan Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Shah (Sultan of Siak to-4) and Sultan Muhammad Ali Abdul Jalil Muazzam Shah (Sultan of Siak to-5). In this area there is the tomb complex of the mosque of Sultan Marhum Hill and Marhum Week. Marhum Hill is another name of Sultan Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Shah (Sultan of Siak to-4) who ruled in 1766-1780. In the reign of Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Alamuddin is Senapelan be the center of the Kingdom of Siak, under the reign of booming trade, so there arose the idea to set up a weekend. But the idea of establishing a new this week executed in the reign of Sultan Muhammad Ali Abdul Jalil Muazzam Shah (son of Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Alamuddin).
Since then, precisely on June 23, 1784 Senapelan name from disuse. Senapelan replaced by PEKANBARU.
Sightseeing Wildlife (Kampar Regency - Riau)
Wildlife Sightseeing Tours is a park wildlife sanctuary is a habitat for many species of birds, both birds of all time settled in this region, as well as birds that regularly migrate and settle while this region. The wealth of fauna, including butterflies and beetles-Âkumbang that have relevance to this habitat, which is supported by the presence of the beauty of flora and flora typical of this region grew, both from small plants, shrubs until pohon other large trees become tourist attractions of this . The location of this tourist attraction located in the village of beehive Kubang Siak Hulu district. Landscape areas that are still natural attractions of this location the main attraction is very strong, so much visited by tourists, terutarna for tourists who are interested to study the phenomena of nature, both flora and fauna.
Bangkinang tour Siabu (Kampar Regency - Riau)
Tourist area Bangkinang Siabu has a distinctive charm and beautiful nature, condition quite well preserved flora of this area is also used as a center of beekeeping to produce honey that bees are good quality, and in it used as fish nurseries. This tourism object is located in the village of West Bangkinang Siabu District.Muara Takus (Kabupaten Kampar - Riau)
Muara Takus is located in the village of Muara Takus, District XIII Koto Kampar or distance of approximately 135 kilometers from the city of Pekanbaru. The distance between the temple complex is the center of the village of Muara Takus about 2.5 miles and not far from the edge of Kampar Kanan river. This temple complex is surrounded by a wall measuring 74 x 74 meters, there is also the wall outside their area of land measuring 1.5 x 1.5 kilometers surrounding this complex to the edge of Kampar Kanan river. Within this complex there is also an old temple, temple and palace Young Stupa and Palangka. Building materials consist of sandstone temple, river stones and bricks. According to the source host, bricks for this building was built in the village Pongkai, a village located on the downstream side of the temple complex. Former mining land for the bricks until recently regarded as a highly respected resident. To carry bricks to the temple, done in relay from hand to hand. This story, although not definitely truth to the idea that the construction of the temple was a worked together and performed by people from the temple ramai.Selain Old, Young temple, palace and Palangka Stupa, in the temple complex was also found that estimated the mound as a place of burning human bones. Outside this complex there are also buildings (former) made of brick, which has not been established type buildings. Muara Takus temple complex, the only relic of history that shaped temple in Riau. The temple that is budhistis this is proof pernahnya Buddhism flourished in this region several centuries ago. Nevertheless, archaeological experts can not determine exactly when this temple was founded. Some say the eleventh century, some say the fourth century, seventh century, the ninth century, and so forth. But clearly this temple complex is a relic of the past history.
Forest Tourism Rimbo Terantang (Kampar Regency - Riau)
Rimbo Terantang Forest Tourism is a tourist attraction that has the natural beauty of this tourist attraction located in the village of Padang Lawas, pristine forest areas with a very distinctive flora. Forest tourism also serves as a place to study. Especially natural phenomena both flora and fauna. Type this tourist attraction is an adventure tour to explore the forest while enjoying the freshness and tranquility and natural beauty in and around the forest.Kandil Museum Gold Sheen (Kampar Regency - Riau)
Gold Sheen Kandil Museum is located on the Island Star Fruit Bangkinang District, Kampar. The museum opened just around the date of May 22, 1988 in the island Carambola Bangkinang Kuok. This museum is a house-shaped house of Five Traditional Koto Kampar which was built around 1900 by the late Haji Hamid. Now the museum is stored various collection of antiques which have historical value, such as pottery items, Carpentry Tools, Equipment Agriculture, fishing tools, art tools, altar tools, trade tools, equipment and other party . In addition to these tools are stored also paddle boats made of wood trade is very strong from the 18th century, as well as a compass made of bamboo made by the Chinese because of the numbers written on the compass is written in Chinese characters. There are two hundred fifty (250) kinds of museum collections antique candlestick Gold Sheen all of which are collections that have been inherited from generation to generation as a heritage item.Jamia Mosque (Kabupaten Kampar - Riau)
Jamia Mosque is located in Water District Tiris Kampar, Kampar regency. Jamia Mosque near Water Market Tiris Kampar district, this mosque also has its own uniqueness when compared with other mosques in the province of Riau. This mosque was built in 1901. At the height of the roof there is a fairly high level of the tower and building materials made of wood without the use of iron nails. Outside the mosque there is a well in which the submerged boulder-like head of buffalo. That said, the rock always on the move without being moved. By the host society is considered sacred mosque and now a lot of domestic and foreign tourist visits, especially from Singapore and Malaysia to pay the vows and take a bath in her well. Visit the most after the fasting month or the Feast of Fast Six.Natural bath Petapahan (Kampar Regency - Riau)
Natural bath is located in the Village Petapahan Petapahan District Tapung Kampar district. It is a bathing place with spring comes from nature. This tourist attraction is the natural beauty surrounding this Petapahan baths,
there is a path to reach to the baths and to enjoy its natural beauty. The location is very interesting attractions, especially the existing natural environment, and structure of the landscape around the site is very attractive,
very suitable for relax unwind, because of the availability of fasifitas-support facilities provided, such as shops, restaurants, traditional atmosphere, shefter-shelter comfortable for chatting with family.Kuok Bangkinang tourist area (Kampar Regency - Riau)
Kuok Bangkinang tourist area is located in the village of West Bangkinang Siabu District which is a tourist attraction that has natural beauty, pristine forest areas with a very distinctive flora. Forest tourism also serves as a place to study. Especially natural phenomena both flora and fauna. Type this tourist attraction is an adventure tour to explore the forest while enjoying the freshness and tranquility and natural beauty in and around the forest.Parks Recreation Stanum (Kampar Regency - Riau)
Stanum Recreation Park is a recreational area located in the capital of Kampar regency, which is about 1 km from the center of Kampar. The place is attractive and strategic, which is located above the cool temperate hills with trees that shade. This area is equipped with various facilities, including baths, Musholla, Perternuan Building, Motel, Restaurant, Stage Entertainment, Cinema and Swimming Pool INDOPURA International scale, which is the result pernbangunannya Indonesian government's cooperation with the Singapore government's air force.Waterfall Alahan (Kabupaten Kampar - Riau)
Alahan Waterfall is a state tourist attraction Kampar River has many rapids with waterfalls situation Kampar River has many rapids with waterfalls, a very beautiful waterfall to enjoy and interesting to be forded by using a special boat. The location of these attractions are located upstream of the river XIII Koto Kampar Kampar district. The appeal of these attractions is the beauty and freshness of the air and that invites tourists, especially for tourists who have a spirit of adventure in mengangumi natural existence. The wealth of fauna found in this tourism object that has a relationship with this habitat, the beauty that is supported by the existence of flora flora typical of this region grows, and an unspoiled landscape area attractions location is the main attraction is very strong.Waterfall Merangin (Kampar Regency - Riau)
Waterfall tourist attraction located in the village Merangin Merangin Bangkinang District West Kampar regency, is a tourist attraction that has the natural beauty of waterfalls and pristine forest areas with a very distinctive flora. Type this tourist attraction is an adventure tour to explore the forest while enjoying the freshness and tranquility and natural beauty in and around the forest.
Koto Masjid Lake Curry (Regency Kuantan Singingi - Riau)
Lake tourism objects of natural Kari.Keindahan Koto Masjid Mosque in Lake Kari Koto very charming, especially if you visit when the sun is almost tenggelam.Danau Mosque is located about 3 km from the Gulf of Kuantan. From Kuantan Bay can be reached by private or public vehicles heading west on the road of Lubuk Jambi whetting Jao, with a matter of minutes we had reached the intersection, turn left road to the 'Lake of Mosque' as far as 300m from the highway intersection. There you can enjoy the beauty of the Mosque Lake with canoe paddles, and other facilities.
Waterfall victim Trunk Level Seven (Regency Kuantan Singingi - Riau)
Trunk Level Seven Waterfall victim, Lubuk Ambacang located in District 37 km upstream from the Gulf Kuantan Kuantan. While in the capital of Jambi Lubuk Mudik Kuantan District (22 km from the Gulf of Kuantan) buses will move toward the direction you are whetting Jao and after Lubuk Jambi City to meet with crossing an intersection to the left direction Kiliranjao, there he was lying Falls Thunder. If the intersection after the Lubuk Jambi, our bus will move to the right continue until as far as 11 km will be up to the Capital City District Lubuk Ambacang Hulu Kuantan. With motorized canoe up the (pompong) as far as 4 km you will pass through with comfort river flows are sometimes calm and quiet sometimes noisy with whitewater waves jeramnya equipped with the natural scenery and steep hills with pristine forests lindungnya. On the way we can watch the animals monkeys, various species of birds and other animals seemed to greet the visitors. Finally came to the location of the Waterfall "Trunk Level Seven victim." Seven Levels mean there are seven-story waterfall, finally get to the bottom of the river and continue to flow into the Kuantan River that irrigates large parts of Kuantan Singingi. Thunder Waterfall Gemurai (Regency Kuantan Singingi - Riau)
Gemurai Thunder Waterfall is about 23 KM from the center of the Gulf of Kuantan. Beauty of this waterfall memeberikan own comfort and tranquility for visitors. Thunder Name Gemurai taken from the local language, which means thunder rumble (sound waterfall intended), while the water splashes Gemurai is scattered. So waterfalls waterfalls thunder Gemurai means that the sound sparks (drink) rumble. You are in the Capital District Singingi ie Kuantan Teluk Kuantan by bus headed toward whetting Jao W. Sumatra through Lubuk Jambi City, the Capital District Mudik Kuantan, Kuantan District Singingi, but before the 3 km before Lubuk Jambi (19 km) from Teluk Kuantan, you can enjoy the beauty of the Lake "Garden Nopi" second to none in Kuantan Singingi. You are in the Capital District Lubuk Jambi Regency Kuantan Kuantan Mudik still Singingi, 3 km towards whetting Jao West Sumatra, you start climbing the occasional trip through the winding roads with the natural panorama of the famous part of the Bukit Barisan, you came in the midst of ascent rolling hills, is where there are waterfalls thunder Gemurai, precisely in the village Kasang.Natural Hot Water (Regency Kuantan Singingi - Riau)
Natural Hot Water across Sungai Pinang, Kuantan Mudik District, 33 km from Teluk Kuantan. From the Gulf of whetting Jao Kuantan direction ie 500 m before it reached the city of Jambi Lubuk, you will see the intersection to the right and continue to travel 11 km to get to a historic place which is said to have visited since the ancestors rollicking by the community within and outside Kuantan Singingi for treatment of skin diseases, rheumatism and others. That's 'Hot Water Natural' is out of the bowels of the earth on the Grace of God Almighty. From the crossroads you through several villages namely Pulau Binjai, Pabaun, Siak and came to the location of Hot Water for Nature.
Eight Waterfall level (Regency Kuantan Singingi - Riau)
Eight Waterfall level located approximately 5 km dati village desert island causeway leading to adesert island - Indarung base, which will soon be made hikingnya tracks, and the more exoticagain 500 meters from the waterfall that we already can feel the cool air that enough toeliminate the fatigue of local tourists from outside the region who travel quite a long time fromplace of origin.Village Tours' Regency Kuantan Singingi (Regency Kuantan Singingi - Riau)
Village Tours' Regency Kuantan Singingi, 3 km from the Gulf of Kuantan. From the Capital District Singingi Kuantan intended, using the bus heading east toward the capital Rengat Indragiri Hulu Regency distance of 3 km arrived in the village of Koto Sentajo designated as 'Tourist Village'. In this village we can see relics of historical or traditional ancestral form of the traditional house with original buildings with a special motive. People in villages are still thick with the accepted customs of the ancestors of his ancestors. Though life community have been far left old habits, but there are certain things that do not want left in everyday life. Behind the tourist village is still there of the original forest, which is still forbidden to damage, and this has been designated as protected forest of 5000 ha.